Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Awanio.
What are the minimum specifications required to run the Awanio application?
The minimum specification depends on the service to be implemented. If you want to implement services/features in full, of course, you need more servers and capacity. You can see it under Awanio Installation
Can it be set up so that users are not charged when creating resources (Unmetered)?
Awanio has an Unmetered Billing feature, which means that every resource created by a user is free of charge. This can be applied to private clouds where its use is for internal companies, or there is a certain agreement between the service provider and the user.
Unmetered billing can be set as the default for all organizations or only certain organizations.
If you already have a VM elsewhere, can it be migrated?
This needs to be discussed further with the Awanio technical team regarding the possibility of migration.
How do users pay for creating resources?
For Metered Billing, we have 2 payment options:
- Prepaid, using Awanio Credit. Credits are applied per organization, not user. Users can top up the credit for organizations by using available payment methods or by redeeming voucher codes.
- Postpaid, using Credit Card (CC). Input the CC number the the Billing page, and the invoice will be billed to the CC.
When will the invoice for the resources be issued?
Bills (invoices) for bare metal will be issued immediately since it was paid in advance, and the invoice for other resources will appear on the 1st of the following month.
Will there be a fee for stopped instances?
If the VM is stopped, you will be partially charged for disk usage, since your VM is still there. When the VM runs again, it will be charged in full.
How do I set the billing type to metered/unmetered on the Dashboard?
Administrators can set it up in the Configuration menu that applies to all organizations that will be created, or set per each organization on the organization detail page, changes will be immediately visible.
Can I have my custom cloud image to be deployed to VMs?
Yes! Administrator can upload custom cloud image in the Dashboard, Compute >> Catalogue page, so that users can choose it to be deployed to the VM.
Is there any suspend mechanism for users or organizations?
Awanio has suspend feature for users and organizations. A suspended user will not be able to login to the system, while when an organization is suspended, the resources inside will be stopped and after 15 days, all the resources will be deleted.