Awanio Dashboard

Awanio Dashboard is used by administrators to ease users to create, and manage cloud resources on Awanio Platform.


Some features available in the Dashboard are:

Virtual MachineVM list
Manage OS catalogue
Manage pricing
VolumeVolume list (Boot, External/Additional, Snapshot)
Manage pricing
Bare MetalServer list
Manage OS catalogue
Manage pricing
Manage inventory
KubernetesCluster list
Manage pricing
Object StorageObject storage list
Manage pricing
NetworkPublic IP list
Manage pricing
Manage VPC
UserManage users
Manage organization quota
Reset password
OrganizationManage profile
Resource list
Manage members
Manage resource quota
Manage credit
ProjectManage profile
Resource List
Manage Members
FinanceManage invoices
VoucherManage vouchers
ConfigurationManage some configurations for using application
SupportManage tickets
Manage ticket categories

Billing Setting

Organization billing can be set up as metered or unmetered.

  • Metered billing means that a price is charged to users when creating resources on the Platform. There are 2 kinds of methods to pay for services.
    • Prepaid. The organization must have credit by way of top up, redeem vouchers or filled in by the admin on the Dashboard.
    • Postpaid. The user enters the credit card number in the organization’s billing settings and when an invoice is issued, the fee will be charged to the credit card.
  • Unmetered billing means that no price is charged to users when creating resources on the Platform. There will also be no credits and invoices for users on the Platform. The pricing feature on the Dashboard will still exist, but it will not be used on the Platform.

Notification Setting

Notifications to user and administrator email address are available for

  • Register user (verification)
  • Create and delete resources
  • Suspend & unsuspend organization
  • Create & updaate ticket
  • Forgot password
  • Credit threshold

Settings for sending emails are available in the Configuration menu, on the Email tab. You can set some of the SMTP properties according to the email settings on your system.

  • SMTP host: SMTP host for sending delivery
  • SMTP port: SMTP port for sending email
  • SMTP user: SMTP User
  • SMTP password: SMTP Password

Some email subjects and bodies are configurable using HTML format.