Manage Subnet

To manage subnets on the Platform, go to Network >> Subnets menu. You will see a page containing a list of subnets, if there is already a subnet or more created.

Subnets Page

You can perform these actions on the Network - Subnets page on the Platform:

  • View all of the subnets
  • Search subnet by name
  • Create a new subnet
  • Delete subnet

Create Subnet

To create a Subnet, complete these steps:

  1. Click Create button on the top right of the Subnet page.
  2. Select size (20 or 24), and give it a name.
  3. Click Create in the dialog to save data.

Delete Subnet

Subnet can only be deleted if it is not being used. To do so, complete these steps:

  1. Find the Subnet you want to delete on the Subnets page.
  2. Click the action button on the right, then choose Delete.
  3. Confirm your action.