Creating a VM

This page will describe how to create a VM on Awanio Platform.

On the Platform, users can provision a virtual machine rapidly. Head to the Compute page from Compute >> VMs menu.

Before you start

We recommend this setup first before creating your first VM :

  1. Create SSH Keys

Authentication using SSH keys when logging into VM is more secure than password-based authentication. After you upload your SSH public key to your account, you can add it to the new VM you create. Click on your full name on the sidebar, then select Settings. Go to the SSH Keys tab, then click the + button to add new data.

  1. Create Subnet (VPC)

VPC creates a private network interface within the same organization. It’s free and increases security. Go to the Network >> Subnets menu, then click on the Create button on the top right of the page. Once they are entered, you can use them to create VMs.

Once they are entered, you can use them to create VMs.

Creating a new VM

Click Create button on the top right of the Compute page to open Create Compute page. Configure a new VM with the following options:

  • Choose the image your VM will be created from. Initially, you can choose from two categories of images:

    • Distributions are basic Unix-like images with no additional software, including Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian.
    • Marketplace images include pre-configured applications, like Docker, Nginx, or Kubernetes, to help simplify getting started.
  • Choose CPU reference (architecture and processor).

  • Choose the amount of RAM, storage space, and vCPU your VM will have. Click the CHOOSE A PLAN button to see more plans.

  • Add an external volume to your VM if needed. There is also an option for the automatic or manual format, as well as a file system option if you want the storage to be formatted automatically.

  • Select a subnet if you want to group or separate your VMs.

  • Next, choose the method you want to use to log in to your VM. There are some options for authentication:

    • SSH keys, which provide more security than a password.
    • Password, which allows you to create your own password for the new VM.

    Some OS marketplace is set up with a default username and password. If you choose it, you don’t need to fill in this section.

  • Choose whether you don’t want to use a public IP address, use a reserved IP address, or automatically assign the resource an ephemeral IP address.

  • Give your VM a name to appear in the application and server’s hostname for VM access. Default names are provided, but you can modify them to suit your needs.

  • Add tags field to organize and relate VM. It is optional to be filled.

If the organization’s billing type is metered, there will be a price estimation for creating a VM on the right side of the page.

Click the Create button to start deploying it.

The new VM will be displayed in the list with Starting status. Once the status is changed to Running, your VM is ready to use. You can click on the VM name to see the details.