Manage Snapshot

This page will explain how to manage snapshots on the Awanio Platform, including creating snapshots and restoring them.

Create Snapshots

Apart from scheduling, snapshots can also be done directly in 2 ways:

  1. Compute Menu >> Snapshots If you go through this menu, there is a form that requires you to choose which VM you want to create a snapshot for. Then provide a name for the snapshot to be created. After successfully creating a snapshot, a list of snapshosts will appear in this menu.

  2. VM details in Backup tab if you go this way, just provide a name for the snapshot to be created and the selected VM is automatic. After successfully creating a snapshot, the SnapShost list will appear in this menu.

Restore Snapshots

To restore from a snapshot, do the steps below:

  • Open the snapshot list (can be from the Compute >> Snapshot menu or from the VM details page on the Backup tab)
  • Click the action option on the snapshot that will be restored to the VM
  • Confirm the restore action


The VM will be restarted after the restore process is complete.