Compute Service


A virtual machine (VM) is the virtualization/emulation of a computer system. It allows a business to run an operating system that behaves like a completely separate computer in an app window on a desktop.

Awanio compute service is provided as Virtual Machine, with add-on storage, security and monitoring capabilities. Before the VM is ready for subcriptions, you have to set pricing for compute service, additional volume/storage and public IP address.

After some configuration is done from the Dashboard, customers can create a VM from the Platform and customize from there.

Manage Pricing

All VM plans are billed hourly with flat pricing, or set custom pricing for VM specification upgrade. You can select the right pricing for your resources.

Fixed PricingCustom Pricing
Set pricing hourly and monthly, fixed for input specificationsSet pricing per vCPU, MB of RAM, GB of storage

When stopped, a VM will still be charged for storage usage. Therefore we provide separate inputs for CPU, RAM, and storage prices per hour.

Pricing Page

You can perform these actions on the Compute - Pricing page:

  • View all of pricing plans for compute service
  • Search pricing plan by name
  • Create new pricing plan
  • View & Update pricing plan
  • Delete pricing plan


Create a pricing plan

To create a pricing plan, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Create button on the top right of the Compute - Pricing page
  2. In the create pricing page, you can set plan name, category (standard, medium, high, or custom), specification and price.
  3. Click on Create button in the dialog.


Fixed Pricing (standard, medium or high)

Set the VM specs (vCPU processor, RAM in MB, storage in GB) as well as the price. Since storage is still charged when the VM is stopped, hourly pricing is separated into 3 components. The total price per hour will be calculated automatically from the vCPU, RAM and storage price input. Finally input the estimated price per month. The total package price per hour and per month will be displayed when the user creates the VM.

Custom Pricing

Set the price per specification. For example:

  • Price per vCPU for processor = IDR 1.
  • Price per MB for RAM = IDR 0,1.
  • Price per GB for storage = IDR 0,5.

The price for custom specification will be:

  • 4 vCPU = 1 x 4 = IDR 4
  • 8 GB RAM = 0,1 x 8192 = IDR 819 (rounded)
  • 256 GB storage = 0,5 x 256 = IDR 128

Total = IDR 951 per hour

The price will be multiplied by usage hour for the invoices.

Edit a pricing plan

To edit a pricing plan, follow these steps:

  1. Find the plan to be edited, then click on the action button, choose View & Update.
  2. Modify something about your pricing plan.
  3. Click on Update button.

Delete a pricing plan

To delete a plan:

  1. Find the plan you want to delete on the Pricing page, click the action button on the right of plan name, then choose Delete.
  2. Confirm your action.

Manage Catalogues

Manage the operating systems (Distribution or Marketplace OS) available for deployment to virtual machines in the Compute - Catalogue feature.


On the Compute - Catalogue page, you can:

  • View OS catalogues that are ready to be deployed to VMs
  • Search catalogues by name
  • Create new catalogues
  • View & Update catalogues
  • Delete catalogues

Create a catalogue

Bring your own cloud-ready images to be deployed to virtual machines. You must ensure that the image (downloaded or generated) answers correctly to the definition of technical expectations of a cloud-ready image.

Follow these steps to create a catalogue:

  1. Click on Create button on the top right of the Catalogue page
  2. In the Create Catalogue page, at a minimum, you can set:
    • Catalogue name
    • Group
    • Type (operating system or marketplace)
    • Authentication Type (SSH, password, password-username or static password)
    • Visibility (public or private). You can set it as private if you don’t want users to use it, or public to be available on create VM page.
    • Upload image file (supported format: img, raw, qcow2).
  3. Click on Create button in the dialog.

Edit a catalogue

To edit a catalogue, follow these steps:

  1. Find the catalogue to be edited, then click on the action button, and choose View & Update.
  2. Modify something about your catalogue.
  3. Click on Update button.

Delete a catalogue

To delete a catalogue:

  1. Find the catalogue you want to delete on the Catalogue page, click the action button on the right of the row, then choose Delete.
  2. Confirm your action.

Virtual Machine

A list of each VM created by customers can be seen by the administrator and filtered by Organization and Project.


To see VM details, click on the VM name or go to the action menu then choose View Details.

Some info you can see in the VM details:

  • VM name
  • Tags
  • Status (starting, running, stopped, upgrading)
  • OS deployed and hardware specification
  • Plan name, price and type
  • Other details (UUID, IP addresses, last updated)


You can also update the VM name and tags, and change the status of the VM (start VM when it is stopped or stop VM when it is running). Click on the action menu, then choose Update to edit the VM name and tags. Meanwhile, to start/stop VM, choose Update Status in the action menu.